Vent pick made from a Tulip shell we found on the beach near us.
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Vent pick made from a Tulip shell we found on the beach near us.
The smaller Enlisted button is 156 S. It is 9/16″in size and has a regular shank. the 47 is in the Center of the button with a decorative edge. Matching button is 154 L and long shank 156 L Long.
The Anchor with entwined rope is a classic design. Size is 7/8″ that would do well on a coat.
102 S is the style number of the button, the S (small) is for the price group. This is a small 9/16″ button identical to the 101-L. It will go for cuffs, waistcoat buttons and such. This antique button has a winged phoenix with a wreath around the edge.
Sunflower Button or Sun button, I purchased this one from a digger in Savannah GA. This button is surprisingly lightweight and will complement any blouse. Without the heavy fabric weight of heavy clothing, the lighter weight buttons don’t pull down … Read More
Cooking, we all have need of it “some may do it, some don’t and some it’s just as well”. If it’s a congratulation on a key chain, a winning toss of a pan, or a memento of a meal good … Read More
Hand out one of Fugawees custom Cast pewter Business cards and it will be lost not thrown away.
Button #103 is the smallest in the series of matching concave pewter buttons. It is 7/16″ in size
Matches 104 S and F 105.
This is the only long series in our buttons. There are 4 all together. This is the largest in this series at 1 1/8″ # 166. The Swirls will keep your eyes moving.
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