Decorative pewter button

159 Floral Tudor design Pewter Button. Hand made in the USA
159 is a floral design. A strong looking design. It is 5/8″ with a loop on the back. It would look right at home in the Victorian age.

St. Andrew, square Scottish Pewter Button, 3/4″, 144. Hand made in the USA
144: St Andrew is a square on the point. A copy of an old button. Size is 3/4″ This is a heavy button and up to many tasks.

Opening Bud, concave, Pewter Button, 136. Hand made in the USA
136 is the opening bud design. The button falls into the Victorian time period. The size is 3/4″

Stud, Pewter Button, 1/2″, 134. Hand made in the USA
The raised dots give this button a strong look. #134 is the stud button. It is only 1/2″ in size but it can look very dramatic in a line or group. Good for areas that require a small button.

Floral Pewter Button, ragged edge, 9/16″, 133. Hand made in the USA
This is a fine example of a floral design with a tooth edge to set it off. It is a Rose nestled in a swirl of leaves. It would be best in the Civil War era or even with modern clothing.

“I” Eagle pewter button, domed 3/4″, 132. Hand made in the USA
Military buttons are important. We have 132 M, which is an “I” Infantry Eagle pewter button. The size on this is 3/4″
Matching button is 131 S

Targ design, Pewter Button, 3/4″, 125. Hand made in the USA
#125 ( medium) is a bright decorative button of 3/4″size. This looks fine on any waistcoat or shirt.

Dirks shield, Pewter Button, 7/8″, 122. Hand made in the USA
In this series of three graduated button, 122 L is the largest size at 7/8″. It is flat with a raised design and works for Frock Coats. The matching buttons in this design are 120 S & 121 F/m.

Dirk, Pewter Button, 3/4″, 121. Hand made in the USA
In this series of three graduated button, #121 M is the next size at 3/4″. It is flat with a raised design and works for neck closures, cuffs and waistcoats. The matching buttons in this design are 120 S & 122 L.

Acorn design, very high domed, Pewter Button, 1/2, 119. Hand made in the USA
This small button is only 1/2″ but has a high dome. 119 S is fine for the neckline, waistcoat or cuff.

Forget me not Colonial pewter button 3/4 inch
Reproduction colonial pewter Forget me not a button. it is 3/4 inch in a bright finish.