Colonial Womens Shoes Heeled Left & Right Smooth

Anna, Colonial black-smooth shoe_
Anna A comfortable heeled colonial shoe is a crooked shoe (left/right) model designed to be worn without buckles. She is designed to be worn with a ribbon tie or a rosette that will match your outfit. The heel is 2 inches. Steel shank, black supple leather.

CHERI colonial shoe
Cheri is a cherry brick red. It is a tie show and will go from 17th century to almost the 19th century. It has a curved heel and is made of soft leather. This is made on a modern left and right last.

Debbie, Colonial buckle shoe
Debbie is made of supple leather with a moderate 1-3/4″ squash heel. It has a steel shank for strength. This shoe is made for those that need a roomier toe, and a wider shoe. It is a lined shoe and can be worn with a buckle or ties. This is a look a like for the Leslie, but in women’s sizing.

Betsy, Colonial Shoe
Betsy is an everyday Blue ribbon shoe for Colonial dress. sizes 5 to 12

Sally, Colonial Shoe
Sally an everyday Green ribbon shoe for Colonial dress. sizes 5 to 12

Connie, Black-rough-out Colonial shoe
Connie has a 1-3/4 inch heel, made for a buckle but can be tied. Black rough-out leather. Straight last shoe.
Available in sizes 6B to 10C in whole and half sizes. $ 129.50

Martha-Colonial black-smooth leather shoe
Martha is a Colonial dressy shoe with a fan-shaped tongue, 2″ heel, but wide enough so walking on the rough ground won’t cause your heel to sink into the ground. It has latchets for a buckle or you can use a tie. BUCKLES ARE SOLD SEPARATELY.